DMV Practice Quiz 3997 DMV Practice Quiz This quiz is an example of the Provisional License written test at DMV There are 46 questions. You can miss 8 or fewer to pass. 1 / 46 You must yield to a pedestrian using a white cane or guide dog Only when a guide dog is leading a person across the street At all times Only if a crossing guard is present 2 / 46 A flashing red signal light at an intersection means Slow down before entering Stop before entering Stop and wait for the green light 3 / 46 Tailgating other drivers (driving too close to their rear bumper) Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry Cannot result in a traffic citation Reduces collisions by preventing you from being “cut off” 4 / 46 This yellow sign means Less space between lanes ahead The highway will be divided ahead The right lane will end ahead 5 / 46 You are driving 55 mph in the far left (fast) lane of a freeway posted for 65 mph. You could be cited for driving too slowly If the road or weather conditions warrant driving this slowly If you block the normal and reasonable flow of traffic Under no circumstances because it is always safer to drive slower than other traffic 6 / 46 At an uncontrolled intersection where you can’t see cross traffic until you are just about to enter the intersection, the speed limit is 15 25 20 7 / 46 There are two traffic lanes in your direction. You are driving in the left lane and many vehicles are passing you on the right. If the driver behind you wishes to drive faster, you should Stay in your lane so you don’t impede traffic flow Drive onto the left shoulder to let other vehicle pass Move over into the right lane when safe 8 / 46 You are waiting to turn right at a red light. There is a pedestrian on the right side of your vehicle waiting to cross the street you want to enter. Who has the right-of-way when your light turns green? The pedestrian has the right-of-way You have the right-of-way only if the crosswalk is not marked You have the right-of-way because your light is green 9 / 46 If you are convicted of driving with an excessive blood alcohol concentration (BAC), you may be sentenced to serve Up to six months in jail Up to twelve months in jail No jail time but you must pay a fine of $500 10 / 46 A person may legally ride in the back of a pickup truck when The sides of the pickup are at least 24 inches high The back of the pickup is covered with a camper shell In secured seats and using approved safety belts 11 / 46 Which of these statements is true about large trucks? They take longer to stop than passenger vehicles They all have air brakes which allow them to stop quickly They are more maneuverable than passenger vehicles 12 / 46 While driving, you should look 10 to 15 seconds ahead of you And focus on the middle of the road Because it’s a legal requirement To see potential hazards early 13 / 46 If your vehicle starts to lose traction because of water on the road (hydroplane), you should Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding Slow down gradually and not apply the brakes 14 / 46 It is very foggy. Slow down, turn on your windshield wipers and: High beam lights Low beam lights Emergency flashers 15 / 46 If a driver is going to pull out in front of you, the safest thing to do is: Honk your horn and maintain your speed Slow or stop your car and use your horn Use your horn and swerve into the next lane 16 / 46 You are approaching a sharp curve in the road. You should: Start braking before you enter the curve Start braking as soon as you enter the curve Accelerate into the curve 17 / 46 You are driving at night on a dimly lit street and using high beams. You should dim your lights when you are within 500 feet of: A vehicle approaching you from behind An oncoming vehicle A sharp curve or hill 18 / 46 For the first 12 months after you are licensed, you must be accompanied by your parent or guardian if you: Drive between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. Transport minors between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. Transport adults between the hours of 5 a.m. and midnight 19 / 46 You are being chased by a police vehicle with its lights and sirens activated. You ignore the warning to stop and speed away. During the chase, a person is seriously injured. You are subject to: Imprisonment and/or fine of at least $2,000 A fine of not less than $1,000 Attending an anger-management class 20 / 46 When should you use your headlights? One hour before sunset until one hour after sunrise Anytime you can’t see at least two miles ahead Anytime you have trouble seeing others or being seen 21 / 46 If you are unable to see the road ahead while driving because of heavy rain or fog, and your wipers do not help, you should: Slow down and continue driving Turn on your high beams and continue driving Pull off the road completely until visibility improves 22 / 46 You are driving 55 mph on a two-lane highway, one lane in each direction, and want to pass the car ahead of you. To pass safely, you need to: Wait until solid double yellow lines separate the lanes Increase your speed to 65 mph Have at least a 10 to 12 second gap in oncoming traffic 23 / 46 Which child requires a child passenger restraint system? A six-year old who is 4 feet 10 inches tall A seven-year old who is 4 feet 7 inches tall A eight-year old who is 4 feet 9 inches tall 24 / 46 Which way do you turn your front wheels to park downhill next to a curb? Into the curb Away from the curb Parallel to the curb 25 / 46 Which of these statements is true about motorcyclists? Motorcycles are small and can easily be seen by drivers Motorcycles may not share traffic lanes Motorcycles should be followed at a 4 second following distance 26 / 46 Which of these statements is true about changing lanes? You only need to turn and look over your right shoulder for a left or right lane change Look over your right shoulder for a right lane change and left shoulder for a left lane change Vehicles with two outside rearview mirrors do not have blind spots 27 / 46 Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a residential area is 35 30 25 28 / 46 You must yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle by Driving to the right edge of the road and stopping Moving into the right lane and driving slowly until it has passed Stopping immediately even if you are in an intersection 29 / 46 Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced two or more feet apart May only be crossed to make a left or U-turn Should be treated like a solid wall and not be crossed May be used to begin or end left-hand turns 30 / 46 U-turns in business districts are Always illegal because they are dangerous Legal only at intersections unless a sign prohibits them Legal whenever oncoming vehicles are not a hazard 31 / 46 Safely backing your vehicle includes all of the following except Looking over your right shoulder as you back up Checking behind your vehicle before you get in Tapping your horn before you back up 32 / 46 You must file a Report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California (SR-1) with DMV when Your vehicle fails a smog test You are involved in a collision and there is an injury You change your insurance company 33 / 46 Which of the following is true about roadways on bridges and overpasses in cold, wet weather? They tend to freeze before the rest of the road does They do not freeze because they are made of concrete They tend to freeze after the rest of the road 34 / 46 You must stop at an intersection ahead. Just before the intersection, you have to cross railroad tracks. You should stop before you cross the railroad tracks when You don’t have room to completely cross the tracks The crossing is located in a city or town with frequent train traffic You transport two or more children in a passenger vehicle 35 / 46 Should you always drive slower than other traffic? No, you can block traffic if you drive too slowly Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique Yes, it is always safer than driving faster 36 / 46 Backing your vehicle is Always dangerous to do Dangerous if you have a helper Only dangerous in large vehicles 37 / 46 To see vehicles in your blind spots, you should check The inside rearview mirror The outside rearview mirror Over your shoulders 38 / 46 Driving under the influence of any medication which impairs your driving is permitted Under no circumstances If you don’t feel drowsy If it is prescribed by a physician 39 / 46 If there is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane, you should Make sure the pedestrian can see you before proceeding Cautiously drive around the pedestrian Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing 40 / 46 California’s “Basic Speed Law” says you must Keep your speed close to that of other traffic Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions Always drive at the posted speed limit 41 / 46 If your cell phone rings while driving and you do not have a hands-free device, you should Answer the call because it may be an emergency Let the call go to voice mail Check the incoming number before answering the call 42 / 46 To turn left from a one-way street with multiple lanes onto a two-way street, start the turn in The far left lane Any lane available The lane closest to the middle of the street 43 / 46 If you are riding in a vehicle equipped with a lap belt and also a separate shoulder belt, you are Only required to use the lap belt Required to use the both the lap and shoulder belts Only required to use the shoulder belt 44 / 46 When parking next to a curb, you should use your turn signals Only when pulling away from the curb When pulling next to, but not away from the curb When pulling next to or away from the curb 45 / 46 A flashing yellow traffic signal at an intersection means You should treat the intersection like a stop sign Stop. Yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection Slow down and be alert at the upcoming intersection 46 / 46 What is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle? Other drivers can “cut” in front of you, improving traffic flow If another driver makes a mistake, you have time to react It inflates to protect you from injury in case of a collision Your score is 0% Restart quiz